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Week 47 – Thankful

November 29, 2011

focus52BlogWe went to visit Rich’s family for Thanksgiving this year up in New York (we usually visit my family for Thanksgiving). We took a few extra days there, as we wanted to spend extra time with everyone since it’s a good 5.5 hour drive up there. As usual, I took a lot of pictures, and I’m even more behind in working on them. But I picked out a few to share here, for I’m thankful for the time my kids got to spend with their cousins. They certainly don’t get to see each other often enough.

Dana keeping Jack entertained
Week 47 - thankful


Shauna and Andrew hanging out
Week 47 - thankful


Caitlin humoring Jack with more technology
Week 47 - thankful


Darcy playing “get you” with Jack
Week 47 - thankful


Natalie sharing love with Kirsten
Week 47 - thankful


Enjoying the end of a nice hike in a wooded park

Week 47 - thankful

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